Please use the Fee Calculator at the base of this page to calculate your families fees.
For information on how to pay online please click here.
Application Fee
- $50 per Family – this amount is paid on application.
Enrolment Fee
- $850 per New Family – this amount is non-refundable and is paid on acceptance of the offer of enrolment.
College Fee Inclusions
College Fees includes Tuition Fee and Service Fee and covers all Year camps, curriculum activities and whole school sports events.
They also cover excursions, except for Year 9 and 10 elective excursions.
College Fees do not cover personal items such as uniforms, stationery, equipment and extra curricular activities such as sport, mission trips, bands, dance and Chess.
Children classified as Overseas Students (Visa subclasses 500, 570, 571, 572, 573, 574 and 575). Please note that we are not a CRICOS school (Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students).
- Additional fees may apply.
- Students on visa subclasses 500 may be enrolled, provided a parent is the primary holder of a student visa to study in Australia and the students and their parents share the same residential address.
Fee Calculator